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The Language Of Bunnies


Rabbits are very expressive animals. Through body language and signaling they are able to convey a wide variety of moods and desires. By learning to recognize these behaviors, you can not only start understanding your bun but learn how to communicate back to them!


A comprehensive guide called the Language of the Lagomorphs can be found online here. It covers everything from the meaning of playful binkies to the signs of sadness and fear.


Below is a quick reference guide to a few of the common bunny behaviors that are helpful to know:


by Nancy J. LaRoche
Copyright 2008 – All Rights Reserved
(May be copied for free distribution)


  • Thumping - Thumping can mean a variety of things, depending on the context in which it occurs. It can signal danger, indicate nervousness, or be a statement of “I don’t like what you’re doing.” If it occurs when you are intruding into the rabbit’s home, it may be all three.

  • Bulging eyes - Rabbits’ eyes bulge because of either fear or pain. It obviously indicates fear if their eyes bulge when you enter their space.

  • Ears Laid Flat Against Shoulders - When rabbits lay their ears back, they are are frightened or preparing to do battle.

  • Ears Held Forward - When rabbits hold their ears forward, they are showing interest. If you are entering their space, such ears indicate that they are curious about you.

  • Quivering Cheeks - Rabbits “tooth purr” when they are very content and happy, by rubbing their teeth together gently. If you are walking past and happen to see this happening, about all you will notice is their cheeks appear to be quivering.

  • Binkies - When rabbits leap into the air and fling their rumps around, or do aerobics in the air, they are expressing the joy of being alive and having space. These dances in the air have come to be known as “binkies.”

  • Flopping Onto Side - Rabbits have a way of lifting their feet and falling onto their sides in a single sudden move that can make someone not familiar with rabbits think the rabbit has had a seizure or died on the spot. Actually, it’s just a way for rabbits to express that they feel very safe and relaxed.

  • Sitting Motionless For Long Periods - A depressed rabbit will sit in a single position for very long periods of time, staring at nothing. This is very similar to a severely depressed human and not to be confused with a sleepy rabbit. Happy rabbits nibble at hay or other food stuffs, groom themselves and perhaps their companions, play with toys, and generally take an interest in life.


Body Postures

  • Aggression -  Tail lifted high, ears back, leaping forward (some rabbits are very protective of their mates and will attack if you touch the mate)

  • Urinating -  Tail lifted slightly, crouching

  • Relaxed -  tail not lifted, ears forward or hanging down (in the case of lops)



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